Monday, June 27, 2016

Partners for Life

Bit of an update since I haven't lurked around written on the blog in a while...

A short while ago, my younger brother Daniel got married.  He's the third of my siblings to tie the knot in the last year.  Add to that two new kiddos (one my own, and one my brother's) and it's been a busy ten months.

Anyway, Daniel wanted to put together a scrapbook of letters from friends and family to Caitlyn (his better half).  With all the life happening I, essentially, forgot about it until the night before.  So, gotta write something from my family to her (and, by extension, my brother), a bit short on time, and I want it to be more than superficial.  Mom suggested to write a devotion.  So I did.  And I thought I'd share it with everyone else.

"The man said, 'This is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh...'" Gen. 2:23a

Modern society would like us to think that men and women are exactly the same.   But when God created the first humans, He created them as partners.  Each was different, with complimenting abilities and duties.  There is balance and there is compromise in marriages.  Neither role is more important than the other... just different.

In his letter to the Ephesians, St. Paul discusses how husbands and wives are to interact with each other.  Ultimately, both roles are an extension of unconditional love.  Each day, husbands and wives place their partner first - second really, after God.  This is challenging even for the most loving couples.  It means sacrificing of yourself, your wants or, even at times, immediate needs, for the benefit of another.  At the same time, marriage is more than just two people together, sacrificing for each other.

It is the most intense and intimate relationships.  No one will ever know you better than your husband or wife.  It is the best friendship possible.  Forever.

Heavenly Father,

We thank You for creating marriage as an expression of love and friendship amidst life's struggles.  Help those in these partnerships to seek to always love each other unconditionally.

In Jesus name, Amen.

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